If you had to pick only one museum in Rome to visit, many of us would have a hard time deciding between the Vatican museums and one that is slightly less well-known, the Borghese Galleries. Read the rest »
When visiting Rome, you need not step into a museum to be surrounded by ancient artwork and splendor. The entire city is a museum in a sense with so many statues, fountains and art pieces strew about the city. Read the rest »
With the economy tight, it’s no wonder that tourists are cutting back on spending, but with a tight economy comes fabulous opportunities for discount travel options. Read the rest »
There are always things you learn while in foreign cities that you wish you’d known beforehand. In this case, you can learn at least two things that might prove very beneficial in your planning and especially in emergencies – of all types. Read the rest »
Outside the original city walls of Rome, Christians gathered to bury their dead. But rather than cremate or bury their dead in graveyards, Christians in the second thorough fifth century placed their dead inside the catacombs or networks of underground passageways. Read the rest »