Spaghetti with garlic oil and chilli is a basic recipe of contemporary Italian cuisine seemingly simple but actually requiring a lot of attention regarding times. But to get a good dish of spaghetti you just have to follow the right recipe!.
Nutella Cake is an Italian delicacy, mixing the most well known chocolate with the Italian tradition and taste.
Spaghetti Mare e Monti (with fish and mushrooms) is an Italian recipe conjugating the two sides of the country: sea and mountains. It is possible to eat it all over Italy, but even cooking it at home is not that difficult: just look at the clock!
Stuffed Courgettes are a typical dish from Liguria. It is a recipe of ancient tradition, rich in ingredients, but easy to prepare if you follow step by step the directions given in this Italian recipe.
Tomato sauce is typical Italian dish. The recipe is easy to prepare and tasteful. Pasta al pomodoro (Pasta with Tomato Sauce) can be eaten anywhere in Italy from north to south.
Sardinia is an Italian island, preserving its richness in its historical monuments and traditions. Its cuisine is different and typical of the area. It is simple and tasty, made of fish and meat, according to its most ancient culture. Lamb is one of the main ingredient.
The Castagnaccio is a cake made with chestnut flour. It is a typical Italian recipe very popular in Tuscany. It is easy to prepare and tasteful.