The Italian culinary scene is really rich. Saying that each region has its own kitchen is restrictive. Actually we should say that every city has its recipes that can be or completely unrelated to those of the neighbouring city or a variation on a recipe typical of the area. Read the rest »
Every country has different guidelines and customs when it comes to tipping. In the United States, your tip is part of the living wage the server is earning. Read the rest »
These donuts are part of the culinary tradition of Marches, a region rich in flavours and traditional Italian recipes to be discovered and enjoyed.
This is a simple and low in fat Italian regional recipe.
“Quando sentite parlare della cucina bolognese fate una riverenza, ché se la merita!”. (When you hear talking about the Bolognese kitchen make a curtsy, because it deserves it). Read the rest »
Fresh, dried, or egg pasta!! Pasta is the undisputed queen of Italian cuisine.
Among the types of pasta the dried pasta is the most common. Read the rest »