All work and no play makes Italy a bit tedious for even the most dedicated tourist. If, or rather – when, you realize your intense schedule of cultural events and sights are starting to wear on you and your family, take a day to experience an entirely different side of Italian culture – one that is very similar to home. Read the rest »
Italy is full of hidden treasures, but an entire region of Italy is virtually undiscovered by many tourists. Those focused on large cities and museums might overlook the pastoral and majestic beauty of one of Italy’s most northern areas – Trentino Alto Adige. Read the rest »
There are more UNESCO World Heritage Sites in Italy than any other nation in the world. The World Heritage Site designation means these landmarks are treasures preserved for all people the world over. Read the rest »
In the 1970s, a tiny scrap of painted wall gave way to an amazing discovery of frescoed walls commissioned by one of the first and very famous Roman Emperors, Augustus. Read the rest »
Every summer cities around the world stage production of fine arts. But nowhere in the world, not even other Italian cities, can hold a candle to the operatic performances in Verona every summer. Read the rest »