Siena, a popular city to visit in Rome without being overwhelmed with tourists year-round, is a peaceful place full of art and culture. Read the rest »
Italy might be home to dazzling countryside, but much of the landscape of Italy is manmade. Rugged hills and soaring blue skies frame the most impressive of all Italy’s landmarks – its rows of grape vines, marching off into the distance. Read the rest »
Italians take pride in their appearance and expect tourists to dress appropriately as well if they are to earn respect from the locals. Read the rest »
As wonderful and even romantic as a trip to Italy can be, it is almost certainly going to be expensive. The airfare alone is worthy of a day’s rest to recover, but once you arrive in Italy, you’re not totally committed to spending an arm and a leg to see some of the sights. Read the rest »
Seeing the Sights of Lombardy Unlike most of Italy, the region of Lombardy is landlocked. The top of the region touches the vistas just under the Alps while the bulk of the region is made up of flat plains of the Po River Valley. Read the rest »