Giorgio Vasari was a painter, an architect and a biographer. He was born in Arezzo and did apprenticeships in Florence, in the circle of Andrea del Sarto. Read the rest »
In December 1998, while working on the implementation of the new raylway linking Pisa and Genoa, were found the remains of a dozen Roman ships perfectly preserved, although in brittle wood. Read the rest »
Santa Croce in Florence is one of the oldest Franciscan basilicas and one of the bigger. Beside the church stands the monastery with two cloisters, the novices’rooms, the Chapter House, better known as the Pazzi Chapel, and the refectory, where now the Museum is located. Read the rest »
Deep in the heart of Tuscany, Florence is among Italy’s most popular city with tourists. In the summer months you’ll find thousands of tourists crowded along the city’s streets, and even in the spring and fall, when weather conditions are milder, there are many tourists along the cobbled streets taking in the wonders of the ancient city. Read the rest »
When planning a trip to Italy, you’ve likely included the hot spots – Florence, Rome, Milan – but when you begin planning a stop in the Italian countryside, are you immediately considering Tuscany? Read the rest »
Capalbio has for decades been one of Italy’s hottest undiscovered holiday destinations. At the feet of the Tyrrhenian Sea in Southern Tuscany’s Maremman region, Capalbio is the seaside getaway for the country’s rich and famous and home to some of the country’s best beaches. Read the rest »