The Milanese cuisine is really well known and appreciated because of its absolutely delicious dishes, often born from a poor but tasteful kitchen. Read the rest »
Urbino (Urvinum Mataurense in Latin) is an Italian city of 15,528 inhabitants located in Marches. Since 1998, its historical center is one of the Italian UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Read the rest »
The Tiramisu was so created with the name “the duke’s soup” in honor of Cosimo de Medici who brought the recipe to Florence making it well known in the whole Italy. Read the rest »
Truffle is one of the highest expressions of Italian cuisine. Fragrant, heady, involving, for many people even aphrodisiac, the Tartufo Bianco d’Alba (White Truffle) gives a touch of nobility to any dish. Read the rest »
Retracing the steps of Saint Antonio and at the same time discovering treasures of inestimable value around his relics, or arriving in town to visit the art treasures and then find themselves immersed in a spiritual walk in the footsteps of a man of the’200, is an experience that only Padova can offer. Read the rest »